I'm going to start this post with fair warning that I'm not a Madonna super fan! Yes, Yes she's a legend/icon...whatever! I will say that for being 53-years-old, Madge looks absolutely amazing in her latest video for “Give Me All Your Luvin’“ Also featuring Nicki Minaj/M.I.A and was directed by Raphaël Rodriguez and Clement Gallet of Megaforce. (
Her record label must have to pay a pretty penny to whoever is working their magic to make Madonna look 30 again)
Milking the whole Super Bowl XLVI Press Madonna is currently getting... The video starts off with the quote “Fans can make you famous, a contract can make you rich, the press can make you a superstar, but only luv can make you a player!” Then cuts to a bunch of "asian-ish" cheerleaders (
Hasn't Gwen Steffani already done this...?)
When the track first leaked onto the internet awhile back I wasn’t crazy over it... and still find the song to be mediocre at best! But like most of her songs,after hearing it played a few hundred times on the radio sometimes I end up growing to enjoy it! (
Don't repeat that!) Her upcoming album, MDNA, will be out on March 26!
Additional images after the jump!
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